Of Alien Megastructures

They call it Tabby’s star. It is a main sequence star quite similar to our Sun, and is about 1500 light years away from us, in the region of the constellation Cygnus. And it’s a particularly odd one. It was studied using the Kepler Space Observatory, which is the space telescope used for identifying planets orbiting distant stars. All of the exoplanet discoveries in the news over the past few years is due to Kepler.

To understand what’s odd about Tabby’s star, we need to know how Kepler operates. What it does is measure — very accurately — the apparent brightness of stars over time. If the apparent brightness of a star changes, that data is used to find patterns in how much and when the brightness changes occur.

Consider what happens with a planet revolving around a star. The apparent brightness of the star dips every time the planet passes in front — i.e. to observers here on Earth — of the star, and the amount and duration of the dip correlates with the size and velocity of the planet. This process works well, and has helped in the discovery of many, many exoplanets revolving around numerous star systems.

Now that we know the basics, here’s why Tabby’s star is so intriguing. Tabby’s star shows small dips in brightness that are both frequent and non-periodic. It has also shown two large recorded dips separated by two years time. How large are the large dips? Where a Jupiter sized planet would have obstructed the star by about 1%, the large dips obscure the star by as much as 15% to 22%. Whatever is blocking the star light during the major dips is not a planet — it is obscuring almost half the width of the star.

That’s not all. It turns out, even without the obscuring, the light output from Tabby’s star seems to be diminishing over time. It turns out, we have observational data about this star since 1890 (via numerous photographs that contain this star in the image), and it seems to have faded by 20% from 1890 to 1989! Even if such old and long-term data is deemed inaccurate, Tabby’s star has definitely diminished in the recent past, in the era of modern measurements. It seems to dim at a slow steady rate, with one short period of a more dramatic fading.

What could be causing such behavior? A number of hypotheses have been proposed, but none of them fully explain the observations. Could it be a young star with coalescing planetary material floating around it? Nope; no such evidence found. Could there be debris from planets that have collided and created clouds of debris and dust? Nope; this is not supported by observations. Could it be a huge number of disintegrating comets orbiting the star? Nope: they wouldn’t obscure the star’s luminosity by as much as 22%.

Well, could it be aliens?

We on Earth are starting to realize how important it is to harness the Sun’s energy as much as we can. We as a civilization have already fantasized about the creation of a huge structure that captures solar energy from every direction, not just from Earth, and using that energy as our planetary energy needs soar. Such a structure is a sphere that “covers” the Sun, and is called a Dyson Sphere, after the scientist who wrote a paper about it in 1960.

Dyson speculated that such a structure would become inevitable as a civilization advances and its energy needs escalate. Realistically, of course, the “sphere” wouldn’t be an actual sphere (imagine how big the sphere would have to be, and how it would revolve around the Sun!), but a “swarm” of smaller objects revolving around the Sun, like satellites. Collectively, they would serve a similar purpose.

What if the observations of Tabby’s star are the tell-tale signs of an alien civilization building a Dyson Swarm? It would explain the long-term fading, and also the sharp dips in its brightness. It would not be a planet; it’d be an artificial mega-structure being slowly constructed. Such construction projects could very easily — by design — obscure 22% of the star’s luminosity.

It’s an idea, and it’s a pretty fantasy for earthlings in the infancy of space-flight, but this idea does have its caveat. An advanced civilization would most likely have a lot of radio signal emissions (we do too — our TV and radio signals are propagating into space at the speed of light) that we should be able to detect. The SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) project spent two weeks studying the star system in October 2015, but did not find any technology-related radio signals in multiple frequency spectra.

If you can’t contain your excitement about the possibility of alien life, you still have hope. Whatever the caveat, and however slim the chances, scientists have not been able to rule out this possibility. More studies are planned that will devote resources — including that of SETI — towards studying Tabby’s star and its surroundings, and we will know more in 2017. If they’re really an advanced alien civilization, for all we know, they might have decided (and have the capability) to stop their radio signals from propagating into deep space!

If you’re apprehensive about finding aliens capable of — and in need of! — harnessing all of its star’s energy, you still have hope. What are the chances? For all the advancements we have made in astronomy and the study of the heavens, we really do yet have a lot to learn. When we observe anomalous behavior through our telescopes, the anomaly is due to limitations in our technology or understanding. What are the chances that this is the one case where our knowledge is perfect and the observations are unnatural?

Either way, this is one star we are certain to keep in our sights. The next few years will tell us more — about how little we know about the stars, or about how we’re not alone in the universe.


  • This recent paper confirms that Tabby’s Star has faded throughout the duration of it being observed by Kepler. Other stars were also observed at the same time, and none of them fade at such a drastic rate. (doi:10.3847/2041-8205/830/2/L39)
  • The “Breakthrough Listen” project, backed by Prof. Stephen Fleming Hawking (oops, bad typo!) and funded by $100 million, will be used to observe Tabby’s star.

(This piece first appeared in the 2016 edition of Sharod Sombhar, an annual magazine from the Bengali Students’ Association at Virginia Tech.)

☛ Britain has voted to leave the European Union

Britain has voted to leave the European Union, a historic decision sure to reshape the nation’s place in the world, rattle the Continent and rock political establishments throughout the West.

With 309 of 382 of the country’s cities and towns reporting early on Friday, the Leave campaign held a 52 percent to 48 percent lead. The BBC called the race for the Leave campaign shortly before 4:45 a.m., with 13.1 million votes having been counted in favor of leaving and 12.2 million in favor of remaining.

The value of the British pound plummeted as financial markets absorbed the news.

This is historic. Only time will tell whether the net effects will be good or bad — for Britain and for the European Union. (I haven’t followed the intricate details of the pros and cons, but I understand that the full effects and implications are hard to predict if only because the interactions and agreements between countries are so intertwined.)

P.S. The following are required viewing:

Gallons per 100 Miles — The Calibration Chart

In the US, automobile fuel economy is usually measured in miles per gallon, mpg. This works, but there is a better metric, especially for comparison between values. Gallons per 100 miles is the way to go!

This is very well known, and even I’ve talked about this before. There are numerous online tools to do the conversion from mpg to gallons per 100 miles… but there don’t appear to be any simple conversion or calibration charts for it.

Well, here you are — an easy to use chart to convert between mpg and gallons per 100 miles (or, equivalently, from km/l to liters per 100km).

What’s wrong with using miles per gallon, though? Well, there’s nothing wrong with using it, of course (we all use it, after all!). It’s that it’s just not a good metric when it comes to comparisons.

This is because the mpg metric is not linear. This means that even a consistent difference in mpg, say a “10 mpg difference”, means different things based on where the difference is calculated from. This makes it very hard to calculate and compare the benefits of better fuel efficiency!

Let’s take a couple of examples and use the chart below. Let’s say you’re planning to shift from owning a 15mpg vehicle to owning a 25mpg vehicle. What are your fuel savings? On the other hand, say you’re shifting from a 25mpg vehicle to a 35mpg vehicle. What about now?

Gallons per 100 miles Conversion

Gallons per 100 miles Conversion (Download full size here)

Let’s look at the chart. The horizontal axis shows miles per gallon, as indicated. The vertical axis shows gallons per 100 miles, also as indicated. Let’s find approximate numbers for our cases above:

  • 15mpg → ≈ 6.7 gallons per 100 miles
  • 25mpg → 4 gallons per 100 miles
  • 35mpg → ≈ 2.8 gallons per 100 miles

For every 100 miles you drive, a “10mpg improvement” from 15mpg saves you 2.5 gallons (≈ 40%) of fuel. On the other hand, over the same 100 miles and the same “10mpg improvement”, but from 25mpg, you save only 1.2 gallons (≈ 30%) of fuel. See how these numbers are different, even though the mpg metric difference between the two cases remains constant?

The mpg metric would have worked, if our baseline was different. But does anyone ever say: “Hey, I have 3 gallons of fuel; how far can I go with it?” Instead, our question is always: “I need to drive 500miles; how much fuel would I need?”

Go ahead and download the full size chart and keep with you. If you’re in the market for cars, this will come in handy! You know how much you drive; this chart gives you an easy way to measure your particular fuel requirements (or savings).

P.S.: The above chart works with any ratio of units; just keep the units the same between the horizontal and vertical axes. So, for example, the same chart applies for km/l vs. liters per 100km.